Favorite Links


T his page contains my favorite links. All of them have something to do with what i did, who i know, or what i think is interesting. So basically, it can be everything! If you have some great links, or maybe you want your own homepage to be linked on mine, just send me an e-mail. You can send it to any name that ends with @marco.htmlplanet.com To make it easier to find something i categorized the links. The categories you can choose from are:

Friends' Homepages

Sylvia Sanders' Homepage
The homepage is still under construction, but it's definitely worth a look if you want to know how this girly lives. It's my sisters'!
Language: Dutch

Martijn Krolis' Homepage
If you like snowboarding, surfing and skating, or you'd like to have a look behind the scenes at TMF or FoxTelevision, you've got to pay a visit to this site!
Language: English

Paling Homepage
The name of this bloke is actually Gerard van der Berg but he has had this nickname Paling already for quite a few yers. On his page you can see all kinds of things about him and his roommate Chris, read about trips he made and you can even get a tour through Target Lasergame Arena!
Have a look now; the page is worth it!
Language: Dutch

Goups and Activities

Anthonie van Diemenstam and Johannes Post Groep
This is the scouting group I'm a member of. On this page you can read heaps of interesting stuff about these two groups and find a lot of links to other scouting groups in the area.
Language: Dutch

Scouting The Netherlands
Everything about scouting; activities, groups, projects and much, much more!
Language: Dutch

Noordelijk Pinksterkamp
This is a certain event in the scouting happening in the northern part of the Netherlands. On the page you can find heaps of info about the event, see pictures or even send messages to contenders during the event! Language: Dutch

Free Stuff

Erik's Prijs en Pretpagina
This page gives you a collection of heaps of free stuff. Just fill out a small questionairy and you're in for that great T-shirt or another cool CD-Rom! Language: Dutch / English


The Kings Cross Carmarket
The Kings Cross Carmarket is the most hated place for backpackers returning form their travelling and about to sell their car. But on the other hand it is the best place for just arrived backpackers to buy that really great car they want to get to travel around oz. The best part about this market is that everybody who sells his car has to treat all the others on beer!!!
Language: English

Victoria Bitter
Victoria Bitter, the best beer in Australia! The page you are about to enter is not the official VB-webpage; that one doesn't exist! The page is from this ozzie bloke who loves to drink VB and made it his goal of life to let you know about this beautiful beer!
Language: English

Ford Australia
Ford... Doesn't that sound excellent? Well, actually it doesn't that much in Europe as it does over in Australia where the brand is the number one brand! Esspecially backpackers love the old ones!
Language: English

Mack Trucks
Trucks are extremely popular as a means of transport in Australia.. BUT the other people on the roads just hate them! They are being called the cowboys of the road. For those huge three or four trailor trucks it's a habit to take you over on those really narrow roads in the mountains. And it doesn't matter if you were already doing 110 k's per hour!
Language: English